Guidelines for authors and translators

1. Substantive preparation of material for UWP


1.1. Main text

  1. The division into chapters and sub-chapters should be used consistently with the chapter number (sub-chapter) and its title; should be consistent with the adopted concept of organizing the content of the book.

  2. The distinctions should be substantially reasonable, uniform and consistently used: bold (to indicate distinguished symbols, concepts, etc.), italics (for titles, defined concepts, new terms, inclusions and words in foreign languages), small caps.

  3. For the convenience of the author, reviewer, editor, the so-called typescript, i.e. an electronic file containing the publication text saved in a text editor with illustrations, must be provided. It should be remembered that illustrations embedded in the text are not suitable for use in preparing the file for printing,and therefore all illustrations should also be provided in separate files (see section 2 below).


1.2. Quotations

  1. Quotations within the text should be enclosed in quotation marks, written in plain text, and the source of information should be given in the footnote. If, within the quotation enclosed in quotation marks, there are fragments with their own quotation marks (quotation in the quotation), the latter should be replaced by angular quotation marks «».

  2. Quotations longer than 3 lines of text should be separated from the main text and written from a new paragraph, without quotation marks, singled out by a smaller font size (Times 11), and written in plain text. Finally, the footnote number or reference should be placed in parentheses.

  3. The words or phrases entered in the quote should be enclosed in square brackets and provided with information about who the given supplement comes from, given inside the brackets (e.g. the author's initials, author's note, translator’s note).

  4. Omitting a part of the text in the quote should be signaled with three dots in square brackets [...].

  5. If a fragment of more than two pages is left out between two parts of the citation, each part should be treated as a separate quotation, enclosed in separate quotation marks and provided with its own cross-references.

  6. Titles of books, films, plays, visual arts and music in the quotation should also be italicized. In case of introducing distinctions not made by the author of the cited work (semi-bold font, underlining), their authorship should be specified in square brackets or footnote on the page (e.g. underline mine. - A.A.).


1.3. Names

  1. Proper names, surnames, first names, geographical names etc. should be used according to the rules given in Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego, t. 1-4, red. S. Dubisz, WN PWN, Warszawa 2003 and subsequent editions, Nowy słownik poprawnej polszczyzny, red. A. Markowski, WN PWN, Warszawa 2005 and subsequent editions, and Nowy słownik ortograficznym, red. E. Polański, WN PWN, Warszawa 2005 and subsequent editions; in doubtful cases, please contact the PWN language counseling center http://www.sł

  2. In the case of surnames, the full name (not initial) should be given in the first occurrence, then in subsequent occurrences the surname itself (without initial) should be given. In the case of different people with the same surname the initial of the name is kept in subsequent appearances.


2. Illustrative material

  1. Image files should be saved in one of the following formats
    - photos, illustration scans: eps, jpg, tif, bmp, png;
    - drawings, charts, diagrams, diagrams, maps, etc itp. eps, cdr, ai.

  2. Graphic files should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, with the exception of scanned line illustrations, which should have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.

  3. Graphic files to be included in the publication should be attached in a separate catalog, numbered according to the order in which they appear in the work (according to the numbering used in it and the page of the text file (e.g. Fig. 2.1, p. 50; Fig. 1.15, p. 123), which the illustration should appear in. Files should be prepared in accordance with the instructions for preparing the illustration

  4. All descriptions in graphic files should be unified in terms of language, terminology, and technology (typeface, font size, distinctions, e.g. bold, italics).

  5. Tables should be included in the text and marked with consecutive numbers. The numbering of the tables should be separate from the numbering of illustrations, drawings and charts.

  6. Captions for illustrations: photos, drawings, charts, diagrams, maps, etc. are placed under the given object, captions / table titles – above the object.

  7. The work should be accompanied by lists of all illustrations and tables with the sources from which they were taken.


3. Footnotes

3.1. Traditional - at the bottom of the page:

  1. Numbering within the chapter or the whole work should be consistent with the adopted book concept,

  2. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page,

  3. Bibliographic notes should follow examples given below:

    J. Kowalski, Title (italics), wyd. 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 1999, s. xx (poss. xx–xx, xx and subs.).

    J. Kowalski, Title (italics), „Prawo i Gospodarka” 1999, nr 5, s. xx (ew. xx–xx, xx i nast.). {NOTE: in mathematical, physical, chemical, psych. and sociol. works periodical spelling in italics without quotation marks is acceptable}

    J. Kowalski, Title (italics), [in:] Title of collective work (in italics), red. A. Nowak, Ossolineum, Warszawa–Wrocław– Łodź–Kraków 2000, s. xx–xx.

    P. Davidson, Keynes and Money, [in:] Keynes, Money and Monetarism, red. R. Hill, Macmillan, London 1989, s. xx–xx.


3.2. Parenthetical referencing, also known as Harvard referencing in text:


Author's name year

np.: (Kowalski 2000)

(Kowalski 2000, Malinowski 2000)


Author's name year: page,,

np.: (Kowalski 2000: 123, Malinowski 2000: 123–124)

(Malinowski 2000: 123, 127, 435)


Author's surname, initial of the name. year: page (if there are more authors with the same surname throughout the book),

np.: (Malinowska A. 2000: 123)


If the author's name appears in the sentence, only the year and pages can be given in the appeal (uniformly throughout the work):

np.: Kowalski states, .............. (2000: 123)


Editor's name, edited year: page,,

np.: (Cropsey, red. 1964: 234)


If there is a reference to several works of a given author in one place, they should be quoted in chronological order:

np.: (Kowalski 2000, 2010)

(Kowalski 2000: 123, 2012: 123–125)


If several works of the same author were published in one year, this should be indicated by adding the letters a, b, ... after the year of publication:

np.: (Kowalski 2000a, Kowalski 2000b, Kowalski 2000c)



4. Abbreviations and abbreviations

List of abbreviations following the examples given below

FBI – Federalne Biuro Śledcze (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

FDP – Wolna Partia Demokratyczna (Freie Demokratische Partei)

FDR – Rewolucyjny Front Demokratyczny (Frente Democratico Revolucionario)

FIS – Islamski Front Zbawienia (Front Islamique du Salut)

FNLA – Narodowy Front Wyzwolenia Angoli (Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola)

5. References

5.1. Attachment references as an example:

Author's book:

Kowalski J., Wstęp do badań, wyd. 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 1999.

Author with editor:

Benardete S., Encounters & Reflections. Conversations with Seth Benardete, red. R. Burger, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2002.

Collective edition (with editor):

Ancients and Moderns: Essays on the Tradition of Political Philosophy in Honor of Leo Strauss, red. J. Cropsey, Basic Books, New York 1964.

Polish translation:

Bloom A., Umysł zamknięty. O tym, jak amerykańskie szkolnictwo wyższe zawiodło demokracje i zubożyło dusze dzisiejszych studentów, tłum. T. Bieroń, Wydawnictwo „Zysk i S-ka”, Poznań 1997.

Article (chapter, etc.) in the book:

Davidson P., Keynes and Money, [w:] Keynes, Money and Monetarism, red. R. Hill, Macmillan, London 1989, s. xx–xx.

Article in a journal:

Dannhauser W.J., Na powrót stać się naiwnym, tłum. P. Marczewski, „Przegląd Polityczny” 2007, nr 84, s. 138–143.


Butterworth Ch. Leo Strauss in His Own Write: A Scholar First and Foremost.; dostęp:

5.2. Harvard referencing as an example::

Author's book:

Batniztky L. 2006. Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of Revelation, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Author with editor:

Benardete S. 2002. Encounters & Reflections. Conversations with Seth Benardete, red. R. Burger, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Collective edition (with editor):

Cropsey J., red. 1964. Ancients and Moderns: Essays on the Tradition of Political Philosophy in Honor of Leo Strauss, Basic Books, New York.

Polish translation:

Bloom A. 1997. Umysł zamknięty. O tym, jak amerykańskie szkolnictwo wyższe zawiodło demokracje i zubożyło dusze dzisiejszych studentów, tłum. T. Bieroń, Wydawnictwo „Zysk i S-ka”, Poznań.

Article (chapter, etc.) in the book:

Anastaplo G. 1999. Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago, [w:] Leo Strauss, the Straussians, and the American Regime, red. K.L. Deutsch, J.A. Murley, Rowman & LittleField Publishers, Lanham, s. 3–31.

Article in a journal:

Dannhauser W.J. 2007. Na powrót stać się naiwnym, tłum. P. Marczewski, „Przegląd Polityczny”, nr 84, s. 138–143.


Butterworth Ch. 2010. Leo Strauss in His Own Write: A Scholar First and Foremost.; dostęp:

General rules for reference:
a. In the attachment references, order the works of the same author alphabetically, without prefixes and articles such as: de, von, der, die, das, a (an), the ... (with prepositions included in the alphabetical order).
b. In the references for Harvard footnotes, order several works by the same author by the year of publication (from the oldest), and not alphabetically.
c. Names of authors are repeated (we do not replace them with dashes).
d. Abbreviations: page p. , numberno, issue i., volume v., ed., trans. (from English names).
e. When quoting Russian surnames, initials of Russian letters Е, Ё, Ю, Я are given: Je .; Jo .; Ju .; I.
f. Slavonic titles should be transliterated (according to the PWN Słownik ortograficzny edited by E. Polański).
g. Non-Polish letters are placed in accordance with the English alphabet, "as if there were no diacritical characters" (Cackiewicz, Čapek, Cat). (Cackiewicz, Čapek, Cat).
h. If an author quotes an e-book in the format which does not have page numbers, the quotations should follow the chapters/sub-chapters (i.e. Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Piśmienność mieszczańska w późnośredniowiecznej Polsce, Warszawa 2012, (e-book), chapter 4).

6. Indexes

6.1. . Entries in indexes (persons, subject, geographical names, etc.) should be listed alphabetically in accordance with Polish language rules; they are ordered without prefixes and articles such as: de, von, der, die, das, a (an), the ...

6.2. Non-English letters are placed in accordance with the English alphabet, as if there were no diacritical characters (Cackiewicz, Čapek, Cat).

6.3. In nested indexes, repetitive password elements are replaced by a dash (half-pause), with proper punctuation.

7. Table of contents

The table of contents with a clearly marked hierarchy of titles should exactly match the titles of the parts, chapters, paragraphs, subchapters, sections etc. in the main text.

8. Title page

The title page should contain the names of the author, scientific editor, translator and the full title (with subtitle).

9. Other elements

The main text should be accompanied by other elements adopted in the book concept, e.g. dictionaries of terms, exercise keys.

10. Technical preparation of the material for the publishing house:

10.1. The volume of the prepared text is determined on the basis of the number of characters (1 author's sheet is 40,000 characters with spaces). Work's volume should be calculated as follows:
- open the Tools tab
- choose Word statistics from the drop-down list
- with the option With footnotes and endnotes enabled we read the number of characters with spaces.

10.2. 12 pt font, preferably Times New Roman or Arial, uniform throughout the work (also regarding footnotes and references), the text should not be justified (should be moved to the left margin).

10.3. The entire text, i.e. all chapters, parts of the thesis and additional materials, should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the publication.

10.4. The electronic version of the text should be saved in one of the following formats: MS Word, RTF or TeX / LATeX (for mathematical works).

11. Method of submitting materials to the UWP

Materials intended for publication should be sent to UWP by e-mail or via the WeTransfer application or delivered on a pendrive.
In the case of very heavy files (containing a lot of graphic elements) or containing so-called special characters (mathematical, physical, chemical formulas, letters of non-Polish alphabets) it is recommended to use the WeTransfer.
After obtaining the access password from the editor, it is possible to place files on the UWP FTP disk.


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