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Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2025 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-6582-6 |
EAN: | 9788323565826 |
Number of page: | 196 |
Method of publication: | PDF |
Size of the file: | 10,66 MB |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Vimbuza of Northern Malawi: Embodied Theories, Practices of Postcoloniality
Piotr Cichocki’s book is a multi-layered work, combining precise ethnographic analysis with deep reflection on the future of science. Based on his fieldwork in the Northern Region of Malawi, the author present a many-sided look at the practice of vimbuza, which plays a medicinal, political, artistic as well as religious roles. But the book is more than a meticulous monograph – it also constitutes an inspiring methodological treaty posing key questions about the role of ethnography in the process of decolonizing knowledge. Traditional approaches are deconstructed and new perspectives explored that redefine the place of ethnography in a global and decentralized world.
Keywords: postcolonialism, religion, Eastern Africa, social science methodology, anthropology of ritual, anthropology of performance.
Piotr Cichocki’s book is a multi-layered work, combining precise ethnographic analysis with deep reflection on the future of science. Based on his fieldwork in the Northern Region of Malawi, the author present a many-sided look at the practice of vimbuza, which plays a medicinal, political, artistic as well as religious roles. But the book is more than a meticulous monograph – it also constitutes an inspiring methodological treaty posing key questions about the role of ethnography in the process of decolonizing knowledge. Traditional approaches are deconstructed and new perspectives explored that redefine the place of ethnography in a global and decentralized world.
Keywords: postcolonialism, religion, Eastern Africa, social science methodology, anthropology of ritual, anthropology of performance.
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