Informacje o publikacji
Wydanie: | 1 |
Miejsce i rok wydania: | Warszawa 2019 |
Język publikacji: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-3740-3 |
EAN: | 9788323537403 |
Liczba stron: | 292 |
Wielkość pliku: | 24,6 MB |
Typ publikacji: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Publikacja poświęcona analizie zmienności parametrów fizycznych i mechanicznych osadów „zastoiska warszawskiego”, wiążąca zróżnicowanie właściwości geologiczno-inżynierskich z typami litogenetycznymi iłów warwowych, reprezentującymi różne strefy sedymentacji w jeziorze zaporowym. Badania, przeprowadzone przy użyciu nowoczesnych narzędzi służących do charakterystyki gruntów w warunkach in situ, dotyczyły iłów warwowych zlodowacenia północnopolskiego (wisły). Za pomocą nowatorskich metod autor dokonał weryfikacji stanu naprężenia oraz określił anizotropię wybranych cech mechanicznych. Bogaty zbiór danych, obejmujący liczne parametry, stanowi podstawę do wyznaczenia wartości charakterystycznych tych gruntów, z uwzględnieniem ich zróżnicowania facjalnego.
Variability of physical and mechanical properties of varved clays of Warsaw ice-dammed lake in light of in situ tests
The publication presents an analysis of variability of physical and mechanical properties of Warsaw ice-dammed deposits. In this study, the engineering geological properties were correlated with the lithogenetic types of varved clays representing sedimentary zones of glaciolacustrine lake. The advanced tools for in situ soil characteristics were used. The research programme focused on the glaciolacustrine varved clays formed during the Last Glaciation (Vistulian). With the use of innovative, non-conventional methods, the stress state was verified and anisotropy of selected mechanical characteristics was determined. A comprehensive data set covers various parameters. It is the basis for establishing representative values of the studied soils taking into account their facial differentiation.
Keywords: varved clays, Warsaw ice-dammed lake, mechanical parameters, anisotropy, electrical resistivity, permeability, coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0, cone penetration test CPT/CPTu, seismic test SCPT, Marchetti dilatometer, Menard pressuremeter.
Variability of physical and mechanical properties of varved clays of Warsaw ice-dammed lake in light of in situ tests
The publication presents an analysis of variability of physical and mechanical properties of Warsaw ice-dammed deposits. In this study, the engineering geological properties were correlated with the lithogenetic types of varved clays representing sedimentary zones of glaciolacustrine lake. The advanced tools for in situ soil characteristics were used. The research programme focused on the glaciolacustrine varved clays formed during the Last Glaciation (Vistulian). With the use of innovative, non-conventional methods, the stress state was verified and anisotropy of selected mechanical characteristics was determined. A comprehensive data set covers various parameters. It is the basis for establishing representative values of the studied soils taking into account their facial differentiation.
Keywords: varved clays, Warsaw ice-dammed lake, mechanical parameters, anisotropy, electrical resistivity, permeability, coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0, cone penetration test CPT/CPTu, seismic test SCPT, Marchetti dilatometer, Menard pressuremeter.
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