XXI wiek jako wiek Pacyfiku. Kultura i bezpieczeństwo państw Oceanii w rywalizacji wielkich mocarstw
Publikacja, będąca pokłosiem konferencji o tym samym tytule, ma na celu przybliżenie czytelnikom kultury, stosunków politycznych i uwarunkowań klimatycznych w rejonie południowego Pacyfiku. Autorzy wskazują na związki przyczynowo-skutkowe, przedstawiają dane liczbowe i pogłębione analizy dotyczące sił politycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych działających w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej i Oceanii oraz wpływu tamtejszych państw na cały współczesny świat.
Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:
The publication, which is the result of a conference of the same title, aims to explain to the readers culture, political relations and climate conditions in the region of the South Pacific. The authors point to cause and effect relationships, provide figures and in-depth analyses of political, economic and social forces operating in Southeast Asia and Oceania and the influence countries of the region exert on the whole modern world.
Keywords: regional policy, international policy, countries of the South Pacific, Oceania, climate changes.
We are witnessing rapidly evolving strategic dynamics in the region, now a focal point of great powers rivalry and an area of paramount importance for the future of multilateral cooperation and rules-based international order. The Indo-Pacific has become the epicenter of both global opportunity and strategic competition.
Poland actively participated in the development of the European Union Strategy for the Indo-Pacific region with a particular focus on building stronger partnerships with our allies and partners aimed at promoting stability and security in the Indo-Pacific, addressing common global challenges, and defending our shared interests and values.
Mr. Michał Kołodziejski, Deputy Head of the Department of Asia & Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Christian missionaries, British and American soldiers, and Western aid workers have been transforming culture of I-Kiribati on Christmas Island for decades to the present day, but recent years have shown how much of the atoll comes from Asia. […] Especially at the beginning of the 21st century, Kiribati’s growing cooperation with Asian countries (Japan, Taiwan, the Republic of Korea, and mainland China) became indeed intense. In addition to their funds, Asian countries have been shipping equipment, products, and human capital, while Asian visitors teach I-Kiribati about their cultures, cuisine, and way of thinking, including problem-solving.
Dr. Dariusz Zdziech, Chairman of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania Research Association (ANZORA)
O autorze
PhD Joanna Siekiera – is an international lawyer, Doctor of Public Policy from Poland. She did her PhD studies in New Zealand, at the Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington on the topic of Pacific regionalism. Dr Siekiera currently works at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen in Norway, focusing on the legal consequences of ocean change. She sailed across the Pacific Ocean during the summer 2022 course on sustainable use of the ocean, teaching the law of the sea. Her areas of expertise are the Indo-Pacific region, Pacific law, maritime security, and the law of armed conflict.
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